Hello there! This super quick post is for all my writers, authors, and aspiring authors out there. Happy NaNoWriMo! I hope you’re all motivated and ready to chase your dreams
Hello there fellow readers and writers! It’s been a little bit since I’ve hopped on here. I have so much planned for this blog space in 2020 and even posts
Hello there bookworms and fellow writers! It’s been a bit since I’ve made my way to this space to talk about all things literary. As much as I wanted to
Hey there bookworms (and fellow writers/aspiring writers)! I just wanted to stop in quickly for a few reasons. Here in the states, tonight is an energetic night due to the
Hey there bookworms, writers, and aspiring/struggling writers out there! I know it’s a bit later in the evening (at least by me) but I just wanted to pop in and