Happy NaNoWriMo!

Hey there bookworms, writers, and aspiring/struggling writers out there!

I know it’s a bit later in the evening (at least by me) but I just wanted to pop in and say Happy NaNoWriMo! I hope if you ever had some sort of dream about writing a story, that you’re joining me for the month of November to give it a go! It’s definitely a tough challenge, but one that is SO worth it! If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late and you can do that here on their site!

Personally, I’ve been writing stories since middle school. I remember carrying notebooks with me out to the playground at lunch time to get words down. However, I’ve never really finished anything.. and the current project I’m working on has been progressing slowly since May of 2017, but I’m determined to finish it no matter how long it takes or how critical I am of my own words so.. year two participating in NaNo… let’s go!

Are you participating? What is your story about? If you want to be writing buddies, find me here!

Best of luck and happy writing!