Life Update – I Wrote A Book!

Hello there fellow readers and writers! It’s been a little bit since I’ve hopped on here. I have so much planned for this blog space in 2020 and even posts to get to before 2019 runs out on us – so I appreciate you sticking around. As much as I wanted to just dive head first and bring you another book review or something similar, but I figured I’d update you a little and let you know where I’ve been.

As usual, life has been hectic. My parents still have medical stuff going on (dad has a procedure this week and one next week), work is crazy as we try to wind down the year and gear up for next year, Christmas shopping (which I honestly haven’t done much of yet), house hunting (which I, for some reason, am deciding to do at the craziest time of year, completing my Goodreads challenge, and.. oh yeah! I wrote a book!

That’s another reason I’ve taken just a bit of a step back from my computer and writing in general (aside from my day job of course). If you follow this blog space, you’ll know I’ve not only been trying to write a book, but that I was participating in NaNoWriMo for what feels like the millionth time. Every November I take up the challenge to try to produce a 50,000 word novel with the deadline of midnight on the 30th. In so many ways, I failed. I didn’t finish at midnight, I didn’t write 50,000 words, and I didn’t stay on track with word counts for the entire 30 days. However, the book I’ve been working on for the past two years only required about another 29,000 words and after binging a handful of long nights for about two weeks time, shortly after 2 a.m. on the 30th, I was finally able to type “The End”.

It’s still taking me time to process, but holy cow, what an accomplishment. I think I’ve mentioned in other posts, I’ve basically been carrying notebooks around on-and-off since middle school, always playing with stories and characters. However, I’ve never finished anything I started before so I’m honestly still reeling a little bit. My original goal was just to get to the end and finish the project, but since it’s gained a little readership over on Wattpad, and I’ve had some encouragement from friends and family, I’m going to take the rest of December to run around like a crazy woman and enjoy the holiday season before starting edits. Who knows where this little book can go. I also have other story ideas cooking so there’s plenty on the horizon. If you haven’t checked out Madam President yet, and especially if you’re a fan of fiction, politics, or romance, just click the link on the right side of the home page!

Anyway, with the decade ending in a few short weeks, all I can say is that there’s lots going on and more happening in the near future. I have plenty of reviews headed your way, more book club picks, hopefully some new literary content, writing adventures, and I plan to have some holiday reads and a 2019 wrap up for you shortly so.. stay tuned!

Until next time, happy reading, everyone, and if you participated in NaNo last month, I hope it was a success for you!