Good evening, bookworms! Happy hump day and I apologize for the delay in posting. If you follow me on social media (theblabbingbibliophile), you’ll have gotten the announcement regarding the lack
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed tonight’s review! Now, as promised, some updates! I was going to include these in the introduction of my last post, but it started to
Good evening, bibliophiles! I’m so excited it’s book review Tuesday, because I’m pretty sure I found my favorite read of 2017 this past weekend and I’m so ready to share
Good afternoon, my bookworms! It’s been a minute since I’ve been on to talk to you guys. The post I wanted to bring to you on Thursday would up being
Hello there, bookworms, and happy book review Tuesday! I’m sorry I’ve been a bit MIA as of late, but as usual, life has been hectic. Insanity has led to a