Updates and Countdown to NaNoWriMo

Hello there bookworms and fellow writers! It’s been a bit since I’ve made my way to this space to talk about all things literary. As much as I wanted to come on here tonight and bring you a book review or a similar bookish post, I figured instead it would be better to give a bit of an update on my absence before I jump into a November project.

If you read my last post on here, you would’ve had the head’s up that my mother underwent surgery this past Tuesday. Both her and my dad are going through some health obstacles and so a few days ago, my mom had to get some pre-cancer cells removed which made her one lucky duck. I won’t go into too much detail because it is their lives so I don’t want to put either of them under a spotlight in such a public forum, but she is on the mend and still has a bit of a journey on the road to recovery since the procedure was fairly invasive and involved. That being said, it’s also been a lot for both my sister and I to process while we both juggle full-time jobs and help both of our parents through their journeys. I haven’t gotten much sleep the last few days and my whole schedule shifted for awhile which means that both my reading and writing have taken a severe hit, but I’m just happy that my parents are doing what they’re supposed to be doing in order to remain healthy and continue in this crazy journey we call life. While there are still obstacles ahead that we need to overcome as a family (aka more doctor visits and surgical procedures in future), for the time being, I should be returning to a fairly normal schedule (as normal as it is working full-time, running a blog, writing a novel, helping out at home, and maintaining a sliver of a social life). I think I just need a little more sleep and then I should be back up and running.

In other news, NaNoWriMo 2019 is just around the corner! If you’ve followed this blog for awhile, you’ll know that I participate in this event every year and fail miserably once Thanksgiving rolls around. I just get too busy with holiday and meal prep plus visiting with family and don’t get to lock myself away and write. I hope that changes this year. I’ve been working on this novel on-and-off for the past 2 years and as of my latest outline, I only have about 9 more chapters to write until the first draft is done and I can say, “I wrote a book”. I’m keeping fingers crossed that when November rolls around in just 7 days that I’ll be able to make my writing my priority and get these last few chapters done. How crazy to think that it feels so close yet so far. If you’re a fellow writer, a past/current NaNo participant, or are toying with the idea of writing your very own book, I encourage you to join in if you haven’t already! You can find my profile here.. so let’s be buddies!

You can also find my work in progress on the main page of this site (right hand side), so if you’re a fan of romance or you’re looking for a new book boyfriend, head to Wattpad and check out the WIP, Madam President. The feedback is always appreciated!

I promise I’ll be back soon with more for this site. I have a pile of book reviews still to bring you all plus some other fun content as we head into the final stretch of 2019. Thanks for sticking with me so far, happy reading & writing, and stay tuned!