political romance
Sacred Hart
Hello to all of my bibliophiles out there! Happy Friday! I hope you have a lovely weekend full of reading and enjoy every minute! Personally, my weekend looks a bit on the hectic side, so I’m not sure when I’ll get to sit down and crack a new book. On the bright side, before I…
A Court of Thorns and Roses & A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1 & #2)
Hello there, bibliophiles! Long time, no see! My apologies! My latest read was a new series and each book is pretty gigantic. Between a mass of pages, and… well… life, it took me a bit to get to the review portion of the program. I just finished, literally, minutes ago, and I scrambled to a…
The Anatomy of Jane (WJM #1)
Hello there, bibliophiles! The week is half way through, and I’m glad to bring you a new book review (ah, poetry). This book is the first in a new series by Amelia LeFay that I simply could NOT put down, therefore, I’m absolutely antsy to bring my thoughts to all of you! I’m talking about The Anatomy…
Good afternoon and happy Tuesday, bibliophiles! Things have been a bit on the hectic side for me, especially yesterday at the office. However, today has been crickets, so I was finally able to binge on my latest read and bring a review right to you! I’m always so torn when I review these stories, both…
June 4th Book Haul
Hello there, bibliophiles! It’s a rainy Sunday, and I find it’s matching my mood. I’m off to the movies in a few hours to see Me Before You and I’m simply not prepared. I did my best to do so, but I’m a short time away from heading out and I just don’t feel wonderful.…
The Bird and the Sword
Good afternoon, bibliophiles! I hope you’re all having a lovely Saturday! I know I am! I’m bringing you my latest review and then I’m off to enjoy a thoroughly bookish weekend! Today is an Outlander marathon and bookstore run with some girlfriends, and tomorrow I’m finally seeing Me Before You and then relaxing with some…
Your Mess Is Mine
Happy almost Friday, bibliophiles! It is a very sleepy Thursday over in my neck of the woods, but I’m ecstatic to report that I have another review coming to you right this very minute, and it is an absolutely stunning story that I could NOT put down! I did a cover reveal for this one…
Trusting Jay
Happy Tuesday, bibliophiles! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend filled with books to read! I wish I could have been one of those people, but it was a busy weekend on my end. I didn’t devour quite as many novels as I had hoped. Luckily, I am still bringing you my latest book…
The Night Circus
Happy Sunday to all of my bibliophiles out there! I hope you are enjoying this lovely, albeit, stifling holiday weekend. I have been a little on the slow side with my reading, but I’m happy to say I’m FINALLY bringing you guys a new book review… and it’s a fantastic one! Let’s discuss The Night…
Sway (Landry Family #1)
Happy Monday, bibliophiles! You can rest easy, because Tuesday is upon us annnnnnd I bring you a new review! If there was a time to get patriotic and political, the time is now! If you’re not sure which candidate to support, I can send one your way, and he’s smoking hot! It’s Barrett Landry from…