Books and News

Hey there, bookworms! I hope you’re all well and enjoying some books on this hump day! I just wanted to bring you an update because as I sat down to write a review I just.. couldn’t. I thought I’d at least drop a quick line and not blab too much to keep you guys posted.

As I stated in my last post.. or perhaps two posts ago.. I was going to bring another review to you right away. I have six sitting in a queue on my desktop and a seventh about to join it, so I’m aware how behind I am. I also mentioned that my new job and my dad’s latest health scare has kept me occupied and needless to say, none of that has changed.

I love reading and writing book reviews. That’s nothing new.. However, it does take a bit for me to decide to sit down, write a 5-800 word review from scratch, and then post it everywhere, whether it’s across social media or sharing it individually on social platforms within literary groups I’ve joined. The whole process takes a solid chunk of my focus that I haven’t had as of recent, and the last thing I want is to not do justice to a book I put my time into reading. I will get to one, perhaps two this weekend, so stay tuned.

The last time I gave an update, I mentioned my job taking a lot of my focus. That’s 150% true. For the first time in my life, I got a job I genuinely enjoy and have been putting all my attention into learning. I’m not only writing copy as a member of the marketing team, but I’m also helping out with the photography team and social media team.. so I’ve been there a week and already there’s branching out. As much as I love it, I’m still learning and I spend the majority of my work day with headphones in, staring at a huge monitor, and writing.. so when I make it home, it’s the last thing I want to do. I just need to adjust to my schedule a bit more and then I’ll be back to it, I swear.

I was supposed to take part in CampNanoWriMo this month, and I was really looking forward to it, but prepping for this job happened, and at the end of the day, I need to pay bills, so it took priority over my writing. While I was an absolute failure at adding even a single word to my work-in-progress, Madam President, I do plan on adding to it and finishing it. The ultimate goal. If you haven’t already, you can check out the first 28 (I think) chapters right on my homepage on the right hand side. Just click the little, orange Wattpad logo under the image and enjoy!

Lastly, I stated earlier that my dad was in the hospital. He has some issues going on with his kidneys that are more serious than my family thought so we’ve been spending a lot of time together coming up with a plan of attack and it’s been emotionally draining, to say the least. I won’t go too much into detail because it’s a long story, plus, it’s his to tell more than mine, so for now, I’ll leave it at that. Just send good vibes if you can!

I think that’s all for now. Thank you thank you thank you times a million for sticking with me. Bookish things are returning, they’re just slightly delayed more than I thought they’d be, so I wanted to justify why. I appreciate you hanging around and until next time, happy reading!