Hello there, bookworms and Happy Thanksgiving weekend! I know we’re at the end of it, but I hope you had a great holiday with friends, family, and loved ones that
Hello there, bookworms! I hope everyone is well, safe, and happy. Not only does this space have a bit of a different vibe (and name), but it’s also the best
Hello there, bookworms – It’s been another 9 million years since I’ve been on here to post or bring you a book review. Life has felt so chaotic lately and
Hello there, bookworms! It feels like it’s been ages. I just opened my computer for the first time in probably a week and I have over 50 books still in
Hello there, bookworms! It’s been a bit. Summer is flying by and I’ve been running non-stop for what feels like ages. I hope you’re all continuing to stay safe as
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