Just an Update

Hello there, bookworms! Happy Monday – and oh GOODNESS, is it a MONDAY! I don’t know about you, but I’m already anxiously awaiting the weekend.

Anyway, I was going to pop in here to do a book review tonight, but I realized I had once again been absent for a little bit, so instead, I’m going to post an update on its own tonight and then get you a review a little later this week, I promise! They’re continuing to accumulate in my queue so I swear they’re coming your way.

Okay, let’s get to it. Bottom line, I wish there were more hours in the day. I really do. I have so much to do in my schedule and so many things I want, but lately, there’s just been too many obligations and not enough time. I’ve had appointments for various things (eye doctor, hair, car, errands, vet visits for one of my critters, etc.) every Saturday for the past month. I celebrated Easter this past weekend with my family, work has been busy and my schedule has been slightly wonky, I’ve been trying to support and help my dad with some health stuff he’s going through, and I’ve been helping my sister with a tiny rescue kitten that wandered into our lives. I was also sick for an entire week which had me down for the count outside of office hours. On top of all this, I’ve been trying to balance book club, blog posts, reading, and Camp NaNoWriMo. Plus, there’s sleep. I think I’ve been averaging 4-5 a night in order to squeeze in what I can.

I think that about sums it all up. I know in my head it sounds like excuse on top of excuse, and I honestly hate that my blog seems to be filled with these random posts and the forever, “I’m so sorry, I’m so behind!”

However, I think it’s important to keep this little community in the loop while letting you get to know the blogger behind your books and reviews. What can I say? Life happens and schedules get thrown out of whack and we just do the best we can, right?

This weekend is the first weekend in awhile where I feel like I can breathe. I don’t have any big plans, appointments, or major life situations going on and I almost feel like it’s too good to be true right now. The only thing I have on my radar is writing. I hope to high heaven to get a blog post or two done, and do some writing. I’ve failed miserably at my Camp NaNo goals, but I am making headway in my story regardless, and I think I see an ending in sight. While I work on that, I have to really structure my schedule. It’s no cakewalk to write and edit all day at work, and then come home and split the few hours I have between blogging and writing while giving myself a cutoff time to sleep so I can function the next day. Unfortunately, I usually have to pick one or the other. I will get better at this one day, I swear. To any of you writers and/or bloggers out there, I welcome advice about balancing, because there has to be a secret I’m missing.

I’ve stated a million times, as I always will, I’m not quitting this blog. I honestly don’t think I ever will, so don’t worry. All the bookish fun will always be here. I just need to get my butt in gear to compartmentalize and make the time I have work for me.

I will be back this week to bring you more literary things and review. If you need or want better updates and random postings, feel free to give a follow on my day-to-day literary pondering, bookstore outings, things I’m reading, words I’m writing, and more at the following links:

Instagram: theblabbingbibliophile

Twitter: @blabbybiblio

Facebook: theblabbingbibliophile

Wattpad: eliasronan

Book Club: The Blabbing Book Club

Until next time, bookworms, stay tuned and happy reading!