The Hate Vow (Quicksilver#1)

Hey there, bookworms! Happy Saturday! I hope you’re all enjoying a weekend of reading, and for those of you who have decided to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo with me, I hope your writing is going well! I for one have been absolutely exhausted from yet another hectic work week so Thursday and Friday were no-gos for me on the writing front. I have a few books going I’m reading between Audible, ARCs, and Book Club so finding enough time and balancing everything is tough. I’m still looking for more hours in the day.

Anyway, it is 9:40 p.m. in my neck of the woods and before I get to some writing and laundry this evening (because I’m the queen of procrastination), I thought I’d pop in for a book review!

Tonight’s book is one I finished a few days ago that I received as an ARC and just haven’t gotten time to review properly yet… until now. It’s a first in a series and after having finished it, all I can say is that I am beyond anxious for book two! Let’s get to it and talk about The Hate Vow by Nicole French! This was the first book I had ever read from her, but I can already say that I’ll be reading more in the future!

Eric de Vries.
Looks like millions. 
Worth billions.
A body like the David with a mind to match. 

Unfortunately for this wayward heir, to keep his money, he needs a wife.
And of all the women in the world, he chooses me. 
Too bad I’ve hated him for five years, since he took all my tears and tossed me away.
The guy slept his way through half of New England and discarded women like hotel toiletries.
Been there. Done that. 

Still…what would you do for twenty million dollars? 
Would you wear the dress?
Fake a smile for the man who broke your heart? 
Or would you run far, far away?

Yeah, that’s what I thought. 
I’ll see you at the church.

Oh goodness. Where do I begin with this book? What a freaking rollercoaster! I adored the dynamic between Jane and Eric so much that I couldn’t help but keep turning the page to see how it would volley back-and-forth.

Jane is at a vulnerable point in her life, and Eric has just been handed an ultimatum from his very powerful grandmother. The only choice they have is to help each other out with the cards life has recently dealt them and with that comes re-hashing of their past that ran sizzling hot before turning ice cold.

They’re from two very different worlds. Eric is an old surname from beyond old money and has only known privilege up until he decided to break away from his family’s traditions.

Jane is a gritty, creative, unique, strong-minded woman who worked exceedingly hard to become a lawyer. Then she found herself without a job, without a boyfriend, in debt, and looking for that next chapter.

What began as a business arrangement to save the wealth and reputation of his family, Eric and Jane agree to marry based on his grandmother’s terms. The road leading to the wedding is what brings them back together as something more.

They shared a brief affair and now that they’re forced back together for this arrangement, Jane swears she won’t go down such a path with Eric again, that they will keep their entanglement professional until the deal is done.

Problem is, they can’t seem to stay away from one another. Old wounds are opened, and together, the two try to mend old, broken hearts. Their chemistry and passion is fierce, and once they cross the line into something more for round two, all bets are off. The rich, khaki-and-polo-shirt wearing blonde playboy and the edgy, loud, pink-haired, punk-rock lawyer are from opposite ends of the class spectrum, have insanely strong personalities, and dominate for control in their own ways.

The rollercoaster begins. Feelings are intense, secrets are revealed, teasing and hazing ensues, and it all comes to a shocking head that results in a cliffhanger that has me anxiously awaiting its sequel. These two drove me insane with their antics, but I’m a glutton for punishment, so I need to know what happens next!

Jane and Eric love to hate and hate to love, so if you haven’t already, you should go meet them right now in Quicksilver series #1, The Hate Vow.

Until next time, happy reading!