The Roman (The Florentine #3)

Good evening, my bookworms! I’ve had one hell of a long weekend and a bitch of a Monday. I’m glad I’m finally settled in for the evening and I’m bringing you my latest review. Just bear with me because this is going to be a tough one for me to get through. I’m warning you all know that words will fail me on this one.

Tonight, I’m discussing The Roman by Sylvain Reynard. I finished it last night, and I’m still finding it difficult to convey what I want to say in order to do this book and the series the justice they deserve.

After six books and one novella, I’m still not ready to say goodbye to every single one of these characters. Whether I’m getting vignettes of Gabriel and Julianne from the Gabriel’s Inferno series, or immersing myself in the underworlds of Florence with William and Raven in the Florentine series, there was always something to discover in Reynard’s stories.

I found The Roman different from all of Sylvain’s prior installments in that there was more action involved. Things in The Prince’s world are falling apart and not only is his city in jeopardy, but his future with Raven as well. For a solid chunk of this book, the pair are on the move. They’re dodging vampyre armies, and rival groups who want to attack and conquer wherever possible. William has to do everything in his power to keep Raven safe while also remaining on his toes to any threat lurking around the corner.

Raven did a complete one-eighty for me from book one. William helped her find her confidence and strength, which winds up being one of the saving graces of this tale. Their situation is messy, complicated, and dangerous, but Raven helps William to face their obstacles head on, and no matter what the outcome, they’re in this together. He was always the pillar of strength for her, and in this story, she got the chance to do the same for him when his courage began to fall by the wayside.

My heart was in my throat for a decent chunk of this book, but when it came time to finally turn the last page, I was both in a state of euphoria, and of immense mourning. I just could not believe my time with these stunning characters had come to an end. I still don’t want to let myself believe that it’s over.

What I truly adore when it comes to Reynard’s stories is his writing. It is quite intimidating, because I know by gushing over his words, and the world he has created with them, I’ll never do these books an ounce of justice. He’s also become one of my main inspirations to keep writing, no matter what I’m writing. Whether it’s this blog space, or a random story I have in my head, I could only aspire to have a style as effortlessly gorgeous as his. He really has the knack for creating pure enchantment, which I don’t think too many authors can say for themselves.

I met professor Gabriel Owen Emerson, and his beloved Julianne Mitchell on a college campus in Toronto a few years back in the Gabriel’s Inferno series, and their timeless tale of romance led me to discover William and Raven’s spinoff magic in the Florentine series. Through both adventures, I not only met some of my favorite literary characters I’ve ever had the pleasure to encounter, but I learned so much I didn’t know before about Italy, classical music, art, languages, the Renaissance, and even the allure of the unknown. For that, I don’t think I could begin to thank Sylvain enough for what are, hands down, some of my favorite fiction I’ve ever read.

It’s bittersweet, and I’m honestly a bit speechless now that I’ve come to the end. All I can do is beg Reynard to re-visit these characters one day, and in the mean time, reacquaint myself with how it all began.

Do NOT hesitate, and go grab every single one of these books. If you have not met The Professor, or The Prince of Florence, do yourself a favor, and hop to it right this minute!

My Final Rating: five out of five stars