Hit The Spot (Dirty Deeds #2)

Hello to all my bookworms! It’s still the beginning of the week, but, a few things here. One, I finished this book days ago and have been so busy/tired that I haven’t gotten around to properly talking about it yet. Two, the holidays are in full swing which means work is losing its marbles, and I’m in last minute/panic mode with shopping and partaking in festivities. Of course this means my reading has taken a massive hit yet again. I decided that instead of racing through books just to meet my goodreads goal, I’m going to throw in the towel and make this my last review of 2016. Every Christmas/New Year season, I curl up with one of my favorite series (Gabriel’s Inferno by Sylvain Reynard) and as of a few days ago, I’ve done exactly that. I promise, I’ll get back to reviewing and blogging after we ring in 2017. I’m looking forward to what new literary adventures I find myself taking with the new year, so, I’m excited!

Anyway, I’ve rambled enough. Let’s get to the review, shall we? I finally met Jamie McCade from Hit The Spot by J. Daniels, and I’m beyond thrilled that I did. Let me just sum him up by saying, “yum”, or if you prefer, “yowza”.

J. Daniels will never disappoint me with her books. Ever. She’s just not capable, which is obviously fine with me. It’s one of the reasons she’s another one of my favorites. She always writes stories that suck me right in and leave me obsessed beyond measure. That being said, let me tell how much this book did its exact job and drove me crazy while making me fall in love with my latest couple.

Mr. Jamie McCade and Miss Tori Riveria. What is there to say, exactly? I feel like I should’ve read this book with a glass of wine in my possession because that’s how much they drove me up a wall. Her denial and his testosterone on overdrive made for an infuriating combination. His desire for her made him nothing but determined, and she constantly kept him at arm’s length. Not that I blame her, because he did have quite the ladies man reputation, but even I caved to his charms before she did. Jamie may not have been the most eloquent speaker. Heck, he wasn’t even big on speaking in full sentences, but he knew how to get what he wanted, and he wanted Tori “Legs” Riveria.

Power to him, because I mentioned that Tori was almost unbreakable. Jamie knew she was lying about what she felt for him, I knew she was lying, but she stuck to her guns which had me all but gritting my teeth. Her best friend, Syd (remember her from Four Letter Word? You can read that review here), had the patience of a saint in trying to talk Tori through her guy drama, because I honestly may have slapped the girl a couple of times just to talk some sense into her. She was right to be hesitant regarding Jamie’s motives, but once he started proving himself to her, she still wouldn’t budge. Yes, it created tension (which I’m a massive fan of), but also drove me cuckoo. Like I said, I should’ve had wine next to me throughout the whole reading experience. That’s my own fault.

I was sold 110% and more in this story when Jamie became Tori’s knight in shining armor. All the little (and major) things he did for her without so much as batting an eyelash, even when it wound up costing him in future endeavors. Whether it was their relationship, their jobs, her dad, or their reputations in jeopardy, Jamie took the risk because he knew what (who) his heart was chasing. Most girl’s love the bad boy (which Jamie is to an extent), but I’m a sucker for a man with a heart of gold, which Jamie has through and through. I couldn’t get enough of him.

Tori and Jamie were fast and intense, but I wouldn’t have taken their love any other way. I adored every minute I spent with them. I’m just sad I kept having obstacles that kept me from binging on this book the way I wanted to.

That’s all for now, guys and girls! Have wonderful and happy holidays, and a lovely new year! My fingers are crossed that each and every one of you get the books you’ve been asking for! It’s time to start stockpiling our lists for the coming year. I’ll meet you all there! Thank you for sticking by me in 2016 with the debut of this site, and all of our literary adventures together. I’m beyond grateful with all the support and feedback I’ve gotten from you guys over the last few months. Let’s keep it going in 2017 and see where it takes us, shall we? Until then, happy reading, everyone!!

My Final Rating: five out of five stars