november selection
Sailing Into Summer
Hello there, bookworms! I genuinely can NOT believe how long it’s been since I last hopped on here to take care of anything book related. I still had all the themes and whatnot set to winter which is crazy in my universe. I have a backlog of books to review and (hopefully) other content coming…
New Year, New Me, New Blog
Hello there, strangers! If you look out your window, there’s a good chance that pigs are flying high in the sky because I’m actually posting an update. I have my reasons – several of them – and before I slide back into a routine of book blogging, I want to give a bit of an…
It’s Finally Christmas!
Hello there, bookworms! I hope everyone is well, safe, and happy. Not only does this space have a bit of a different vibe (and name), but it’s also the best time of the year. Welcome to Christmas and the merry holiday season here at E. Antoinette Reading! One thing that hasn’t changed is being backed…
Summer Reading List
Hello there, bookworms! It’s been a bit. Summer is flying by and I’ve been running non-stop for what feels like ages. I hope you’re all continuing to stay safe as the pandemic continues – but are also trying to have some semblance of fun at the same time. At work I’ve been putting together a…