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A Bookish Announcement!

Good morning, bibliophiles, and happy (almost) Friday! First off, I had my 100th bookish post the other day, and I was so anxious to get to the review, that I didn’t even notice until two days later. Shame on me. I’m kind of blown away that I’ve written so many posts already. It feels like such a short time ago (and I guess, in a sense, it was) that I chose to even start a blog. I’ve had several fun and interesting experiences since I began this little space, and I can only hope to keep the momentum going and expand onwards and upwards! 

Today, however, I can finally get you all up to speed on some of the  updates that I’ve been working on behind the scenes. I’ve had a few projects in the works, that will be coming to you all soon, but the one I’m most excited about is the launch of my website. 

As of midnight last night/this morning, it’s officially official! I have finally launched and you can now visit The Blabbing Bibliophile ! It’s not quite where I want it just yet, but I built it all on my own and I plan to add more and update as often as I can. For now, I hope you enjoy browsing and telling a few friends so we can spread the literary love! 

Thanks for joining and sticking with me on this hobby I’ve slowly turned into a journey. It’s taken on a life of its own and I can’t wait to see where it leads all of us next!! Until next time, happy reading! xx

 PS- please feel free to leave comments or send me e-mails with feedback telling me things you’d like to see on the site! I’d adore suggestions so I can keep improving the space!