The Latest!

Hello there, bookworms! Long time, no see! I hope you’re all wonderful and have been enjoying tons of summer activities or at least relaxing poolside or at the beach with your TBR.

It’s been a bit since I’ve been on here, and let me tell you why. Not only has my day job been taking up a ton of my mental energy, but we had the July 4th holiday, my sister’s birthday, my car was in a fender-bender while I sat at a red light the other day, and I have a handful of personal things going on at home as well.

On top of all of the above mentioned, I woke up on the morning of the 4th to an e-mail saying my site had been deactivated. it took a lot of trouble shooting and talks with the company who hosts my domain to optimize all my files, but I got it back up and running and figured, “why not give the space a makeover?” so.. here we are!

I’m still working on a few things and backing up files on my end so that if the site gets wonky again, I’ll have a space where you guys can still go and get updates while I work on all the technical craziness.

Needless to say, all of this stuff has taken a massive hit on my reading and writing processes… but I promise that now that most of these unfortunate events seem to be behind me, that I can move forward with all things new because I have a ton of updates coming your way on all fronts.

I hope you enjoy the site’s new look… part of me likes it but part of me thinks it’s a bit busy so.. opinions are most welcome!

I’ll be back in a few days with book reviews and more so until then, stay tuned and happy reading!