Bookish Things

Hey there, bookworms! Happy hump day! I just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello and give an update as to the goings on in life and let you know some of the ideas I have for this community for the coming months.

Okay, deep breath..

It’s extremely daunting when I open my computer in the evening and I see book cover images accumulating on my desktop for all the books I need to get posted for review. My most recent count is 12. Crazy. I’ve never been this far behind before. To sum up a post I made over on my Instagram page the other day…

“I’ve been slightly MIA lately and I apologize. I feel very out of my head lately and like I’m just going through day-to-day motions. I’m behind on books I want to read, I’m behind on blog posts, I haven’t written anything for my own book in over a month, and I’m so overwhelmed with wanting to get to all of it.. that I’m doing exactly none of it. I love my job, but being in a busy season, spending my days writing and editing, and getting stuck at the office late more frequently means it’s been near impossible to come home and continue those things and more late into the night. Maybe I’m lazy.. who knows.. but I feel extremely disconnected from everything in my life that isn’t work right now. I’d like it to change anytime now..”

I’m sure it’s a lazy way out. I know there are superheroes out there doing all sorts of things in a day, and I have to wonder how. For instance, how was Diana Gabaldon writing Outlander when she had a job (or jobs I believe, correct me if I’m wrong), a husband, and young children to raise. I need her drive while also getting sleep. I do love my sleep. Someone tell me how to master this and you’ll be my hero!

That being said, I feel like all I do on here for the past several months is apologize for the delay on things. I can’t promise it will stop because I don’t see myself slowing down anytime soon, but I want to assure you guys this blog is NOT going anywhere. I did remove the option to request for a review for now because I don’t have a ton of time right now to promise a guaranteed review, but I’m sure it’ll be back at some point. I’m not taking a break or quitting this space. I actually don’t know what I’d do without my little reading and book community. In fact, I have numerous things coming soon.

Cover Reveals, Release Day Blitzs and more: Just like this blog space, requests for these things are stacking up in my e-mail. My fingers are crossed to get to them this weekend. Either way, they’ll be posted shortly, so if you want to get excited about new books headed your way, keep it right here!

Reviews: This should go without saying, but yes.. just like winter, the reviews are coming. Many of them.

NanoWriMo: I’m sure you know, but if you don’t already, I’m writing my own book. I’ve been writing since middle school, but I honestly have yet to finish a project that isn’t strictly blog or work related. That being said, I’ve been sticking to my current writing project and I intend to see it through. I haven’t done much with it since I left my last job.. that in-between uncertainty of when I’d be getting new opportunities had me job hunting more than writing, so I do plan to make my story my focus this coming month for National Novel Writing Month. I encourage all the aspiring writers out there to join me and sign up here! You can also keep up with updates for my story right on the main page of this site, just look for Madam President under my “writing” category!

Book Club: a few new members have joined book club and we’re getting our read on! If you’re looking for a group or new books to read, or just want to chat about literary things, head to The Blabbing Book Club and hang out! We just picked our November read, and I already have some fun stories picked out for the holiday season so I’m excited!

Anyway, now that this post was longer than I intended, I’m going to sign off and let you guys get back to your books, writing projects, and more. I’ll be stopping in soon with all sorts of new updates and things so.. stay tuned and until then…

Happy reading!

PS- Subscribe to my newsletter to get a head’s up when there’s a new post!