Morristown Festival of Books

Hey there, bookworms and happy Sunday! It’s a very lazy day in my house, and after this blog post, the only things on my to-do list is some reading and perhaps a nap. I hope you’re all comfy cozy with your weekend reads before we’re forced to return to work and the real world tomorrow.

Anyway, I just thought I’d stop in and tell you a bit about this outing I went on yesterday. It’s a perfect afternoon for us readers, so if you’re ever in the New Jersey area come fall season, check out the Morristown Festival of Books!

Now, being born and raised in the Garden State, I honestly don’t ever remember hanging out in Morristown, so I’m glad I got a chance to do just that yesterday. I have to say thanks a million to my aunt for sending tickets to this festival my way and giving me a head’s up about this event!

I also have to thank one of my closest friends for tagging along with me. I normally go to bookish type things on my own, but for kicks, I made a post about it on facebook, and one of my friends decided to jump in on the action and we had so much fun!

Located right in the hub of Morristown, the Festival of Books is a lovely fall outing for the reader. There’s food, shopping, low-key strolls around town, tents of book sales, authors giving signings, and numerous speaking sessions. There’s also a parking garage just a few blocks for all the action, so the whole day is just super easy and a great time.

It was one of the first chilly days we’ve had in New Jersey so far this season, and the weather was being a little nutty with cold, rain, sun; it was all over the place, so if you go in the future and you’re walking around, just be prepared with a layer or two. I unfortunately, was not. I just had to suck it up and wrap my sweater tight as I went from event-to-event in the wacky weather.

Unlike Book Expo back in May, I didn’t overload myself with books or with author events. I really wanted the day to be more laid back, so yesterday, my friend and I only attended three talks. Some of the churches in the area were kind enough to sponsor these author events, and they served to be such pretty and tranquil venues. Together, my friend and I saw Joyce Carol Oates discuss her new collection of short suspense stories.

Then, my friend stayed in this very spot to listen to a talk from olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad while I moved into the hall next door to attend a session with Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie to hear them discuss their book My Dear Hamilton. I was a huge fan of their book America’s First Daughter, so I was thrilled to get to see them speak! 

Like I said, the venues were gorgeous and historic, and it was just a wonderful setting for a fun, relaxing Saturday. I’m so glad I got to do something different this past weekend and check out an area of my home state I haven’t really hung out in before. Morristown is such a cute place so I definitely need to spend more time there. You should too!

I have more book posts coming for you guys soon, but in until then, happy reading!