A Reading Challenge… Or Two?

Hey there, bookworms! Happy hump day! We’re almost through yet another trying week.. so why not brightening things up with a bookish idea!?

I was at the office today.. working, writing, editing, and listening to a book on audible, as you do, and I feel like I’ve been inspired lately by tuning into The Great American Read on PBS every week, and I decided to run a little challenge by all my fellow bibliophiles to see if anyone is interested!

Who wants to do not one, but TWO reading challenges?

Hear me out because it’s not as daunting as it sounds, I promise!

There are two book lists I’ve wanted to complete for awhile, but have to admit, have slacked on more than I’ve accomplished, so… why not have a reading buddy (or many)??

Yes, there’s your typical Goodreads challenge which is wonderful, and that I participate in every year, but I wanted to do something just slightly different and a little more structured since all the books are from just two lists.

First, there’s the list I’ve dropped the ball on for years now, and that’s the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge. While she’s never been one of my favorite tv characters, the girl did represent us readers in her own way. Her reading list is ambitious, but not impossible. You can find all  339 books that were seen on screen over the course of the series here: The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge


Second, as I said in the beginning, I’ve been quite intrigued by the discussions happening on The Great American Read airing on PBS every Tuesday evening. However, I haven’t read all the books on the list, so I figured, why not buckle down and get cracking? You can find all 100 books AND vote for your favorite here: The Great American Read List

Now, how do we go about this. As readers, I know all of our TBR piles are endless, we have book clubs we participate in.. etc. Here’s the good news. A chunk of the books on both of these lists are the same, so you can compile them into one. The second bit of good news? You’ve probably read a good many of them already or at least while you were in school.

Look at us, crossing books off the lists already!

These challenges/challenge would be at our leisure. We don’t all have to read the same books at the same time, you can pick one book from each list every month, or just one book from one list every month. However you want to go about reading is perfectly fine.. we just head towards a finish line as a bunch of bookworms from across the globe!

We can also discuss what we’re reading in the comments of this post, or over on Facebook at The Blabbing Bibliophile or even join our book club and discuss what you’re reading with us The Blabbing Book Club!

Have fun with these and get creative. If your nightstand and shelves are overrun with books, grab an audio version (personally, I’ve found that some older, slower-moving books move quicker when I’m listening rather than reading.. if that helps). There’s no time limit since I know we’re all at different stages of these lists right from the get go, you’re challenging yourself to maybe read a book or genre you wouldn’t normally read.

I know I left links to each challenge earlier in this post, but I’ll leave complete lists below as well. What are you waiting for? Let’s read!

The Great American Read Complete List

*EDITED: Get your printable list here

The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge Complete List

*Credit to the creator of this list.. and I have no idea how to get rid of the colored hearts. Make these lists your own and have fun!

EDITED: I found the printable for the list below. Get yours here