Midnight Blue

Hey there, bookworms! Happy Monday! I hope you’re all cozy with some lovely books to read. I’m about to jump into just that while I half-listen to the Emmy’s (I’m a bit miffed they’ve snubbed Outlander for the millionth time), but I wanted to jump on here and bring you guys a book review. I know I’ve mentioned how many I have stacking up on my desktop, and at this point, they’re so out of order. I have books from May I haven’t reviewed (including every single one of our book club picks), but I’m kind of just picking one at random to discuss, and tonight, it’s super exciting because I’ve been obsessed with this book since I finished it! Let’s talk about Midnight Blue by L. J. Shen!

Okay, so let me start with how this crazy story came about. I’m no stranger to the romance novel (obviously), and I love a solid rock star romance (I need to review more of those), but this story came onto my radar in a bit of a weird way, but I am SO SO SO glad that it did.

When I’m at work, I do copywriting for a textiles/home goods company, and I’m allowed to spend my writing and editing time listening to whatever I want. I put headphones on and I listen to spotify, youtube, or audible to zone out and focus. In a bought of copying and pasting things into Excel sheets, I was listening to the Blackstone Affair series by Raine Miller for a second go-round on my headphones, and I decided I really liked Shane East speaking right into my ears in that lovely English accent of his. Naturally, I went to audible, searched his name, and downloaded the first book that struck my fancy. Not only did I get more Shane East action with some of that dirty talk he narrates so well, but I got such a stunning story that I am thrilled I discovered!

It should have been easy.
I needed the money. He needed a babysitter to keep him from snorting himself to death.
I was cherry-picked especially for him. Responsible. Optimistic. Warm. Innocent.
The worst part is that I should have known better.
Alex Winslow. British rock star. Serial heartbreaker. Casanova with whiskey eyes.
“Don’t get near the devil in a leather jacket. He’ll chew you up and spit you out.”
Guess what? I didn’t listen.
I signed the contract.
World tour. Three months. Four Continents. One hundred shows.
My name is Indigo Bellamy, and I sold my soul to a tattooed god.
Problem was, my soul wasn’t enough for Alex Winslow. He ended up taking my body, too.
Then he took my heart.
Then he took my all.

I’m not kidding when I tell you this story is just sheer magic. From the obstacles and drama surrounding Indie and Alex right from the start, to the song lyrics drizzled into the text, to the build-up and tension dripping from every single page, this is just one of those stories that will stick with me and probably wind up in my top ten for 2018. Alex was just the cocky, jerky, tortured rocker who you loved to hate, but hated to love. He insisted on fighting his chemistry with Indie right from the get-go, and the way he lashed out was simply cringe-worthy, but once her quirky personality, blue hair, funky dresses, and charming personality broke through his aloof and tough-guy exterior, he realized that he had to up his game big time to win her affection. Indie, oh, sweet Indie. What a lovely, innocent soul who was just trying to get by and help her family. With Alex, she certainly bit off more than she could chew, but she handles herself well and makes him crawl to her rather than his plan of trying to do everything in his power to send her home. I loved her, I ached for her, my heart shattered a million times for her, but then it did for Alex too once the layers of the onion were peeled back. What a pair they made.

The drama and the angst is strong with this read, but I adored every heart-wrenching moment and just could not get enough. The sensuality is gorgeous and the words just pure enchantment. As an aspiring writer, this is the kind of book I wish I could write. Midnight Blue is the first I’ve read by Shen, but now that I’m beyond obsessed, I’ll be adding more of her work to my TBR.

If you want a sexy story that will bury its way into your heart and give you all the feels, please read this book! If you can listen to it on audible, I highly recommend it because Shane East is just all the wonderful things. You won’t regret it, I promise! Go meet a hot (hot mess) of a rocker right now! Click the book below to get your copy.

My Final Rating: five out of five stars

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