Bookish Updates

Hey there, bookworms! Happy Friday! I just wanted to stop in and say hello and give you guys some updates in their own space rather than clogging reviews and such with my nonsense.

First, a huge thank you to those of you who have been submitting requests for reviews! I promise, I’m making my way through them and plan on posting on here fairly regularly so that I can keep all of you up to date on some of the awesome stories I’m reading.

Second, I keep forgetting to give you all an update on the writing venture. I think I mentioned it in passing a time or two back in November when I was participating in NanoWriMo. As far as the challenge itself went, I failed pretty hard. I didn’t hit 50k words, but rather stopped somewhere in the 20k range. Once Thanksgiving happened, it was a slippery slope. Christmas and work took over and my life became insanity for awhile. I feel like I’m just now catching up. Anyway, I did start putting up a little of what I’ve been writing on Wattpad. Of course, this story still needs a ton of work, and to be finished of course, but I do really want to see this through to the end and maybe do something with it, so we’ll see. If you’d like something new to read (more chapters will be added soon, I promise), feel free to check it out here or access the link via the homepage on the right hand side. Comments and critical feedback are greatly appreciated, because, as any writer knows, we’re all most critical of ourselves, so any input and outside perspective is welcome! Lastly, I’ll leave a little description of the story below for you now:

Madam President

She’s just been elected to the highest office in the free world. He’s the one sworn to protect her at all costs.
With the most demanding, yet lonely occupation in the country, how will Abigail James survive the next four years? She has all the makings of a wonderful president, but at the end of the day, she’s still human.
Roman Harrison has always been the good guy. He spent his life on the straight and narrow and wound up in one of the most important positions in the country. When he’s assigned as personal secret service to the first female president of the United States, his sense of duty and obligation, as well as his inhibitions, fly out the window. There’s something about Abby he can’t help but be drawn towards. He wants to break all of his rules when it comes to her. She not only needs a constant shield, but also a companion and friend she can turn to for support.
The lines between the pair begin to blur and rumors begin to circulate and make major headlines. The distraction and seeming lack of priority have the potential to jeopardize the presidency if things aren’t handled carefully.
Is there such a thing as mixing power and pleasure, or will duty to country take precedence to undying love?

Now third, and lastly, at least for now, I’m taking a vacation. Finally! It’s been over a year since I’ve packed a big, fat bag and boarded a plane and throw all my cares away. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll be brining my laptop with me to hop on here and give you an update or not yet, but during that period, I’ll be at least delaying book review requests because I know my reading will be severely hindered. I head out in three weeks, and I can’t wait. It’s just so needed. If anyone has any good recommendations for reads for the plane, please feel free to leave a comment!

Anyway, that’s about it for now. Keep your eyes peeled because as I said, I might be going slightly post-crazy this weekend and getting some long overdo material out to you in the next few days. So, until I see you again, happy reading!