Behind Closed Doors

Hey there, bookworms! Happy Monday to each and every one of you! It’s a rainy one by me so my eyes are on the verge of closing, but I’ll be honest, I’ve been dragging my feet on my posts. As usual, they’re stacking up, but I’ve had a few personal things going on, so I’m sorry to say, they were put on the back burner for a bit. Not that I wanted them to be, but my brain was pre-occupied. Fingers crossed the clouds lift soon because my reminders app on my phone is beginning to hate me for all the tasks I have backed up for this site.

Anyway, the review I’m bringing you tonight is another one I read during my time at Book Expo, and there’s a bit of a funny story to go with it. I’ve had Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris on my Goodreads TBR for quite some time, and happened to be in the middle of it right as Book Expo was starting. Anyway, I had received an e-mail from a member of her team inviting me to lunch to celebrate the launch of her new book, The Breakdown, which is releasing next month. Well, leave it to me to accept the invite, only to get delayed on my train from Jersey to the city and miss the lunch. An awesome opportunity, gone, thanks to NJ Transit. Crazy.

Regardless, I was so eyeballs deep into this story that at one point, I walked away from everything happening at Book Expo, and retreated to a quiet corner in the basement of Javits Center in order to binge read. I couldn’t stop myself from turning pages and finding out what would happen next.

To say Behind Closed Doors is unsettling would be an understatement. every single page of this book is an absolute spine-chilling, anxiety-inducing mess. Right from the get go, you know there’s something more lurking just under the surface with Jack and Grace.

While they host a dinner party, their friends are tricked into thinking they’re head-over-heels in love with one another, but there’s something about them that’s just… off. Grace’s answers to questions are vague, her plans with friends always fall through, she eats but is thin as a rail, there’s always an excuse as to why she can’t see her sister, Millie, she cares for, she doesn’t own a phone or a computer, and she’s oddly never without Jack.

Jack is a stunning and well-put-together man who swept Grace off her feet. He wined and dined her, and seemingly granted her every wish as he courted her in preparation for marriage. It’s once the couple tied the knot and he kept disappearing that things got weird… and then, deadly.

If you guys read this blog at all, or even fairly regularly, you know I love my tormented men. The ones with demons lurking in their pasts but still somehow have a heart of gold at day’s end? I’m all about it, because the good in always presented to them to a point they can’t help but fight for that good and make their future gorgeous and full of love. Jack Angel is not one of those men. He sure seems that way. In the beginning, I fell for his charm just the way Grace did. When he showed up in the park to dance with Millie, it was just a sweet moment. However, we can’t be deceived by appearances, and unfortunately for Grace, that’s exactly what happens.

Her marriage becomes a prison, and her sister is in danger. Jack’s demons are rampant, and he’s severely disturbed. I racked my brain as I turned the pages trying to think of a way out for Grace, but it wasn’t possible. Jack had all his bases covered, and all his work done. He took delight in torturing Grace, and couldn’t wait for Millie to come live with them, so he could add to their pain, and it was thoroughly creepy.

Here’s the thing. I’m slightly de-sensitized to horror movies, and all the stuff that makes people jump. Maybe I’ve watched Halloween too many times.. who knows. What freaks me the hell out are scenarios that could happen in real life, and the fraud of a marriage between Jack and Grace could absolutely happen and has happened in real life. Reading this story left me with a belly ache because of just.. how unsettled I felt. Being in the presence of of Grace and Jack made me feel like I needed to keep a watchful eye over my shoulder. What a thrilling and heart-in-my-throat read! If you’re in the mood for a solid eerie tale, pick up a copy of Behind Closed Doors if you haven’t already!

I’m pretty sure this was a debut novel from Paris, so I’m eagerly anticipating what she’ll bring to the table next! I was lucky enough to receive a copy of The Breakdown while at Book Expo, so I’ll have to give it a go ASAP!


My Final Rating: five out of five stars

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