Newsletters And Updates… Oh My!

Hey there, bookworms! I’m sitting at work with a rare moment of down time and doing some brain storming regarding the website.. and I have some things I’d like to run by you. Let me start with the best news of all. Are you ready for it?

After over a year of this site being live… the Newsletter feature is FINALLY working! I’ve tried messing with the silly thing on and off for months (including installing different versions of the widget) and now I have one that works! The only down side I noticed; if you were signed up to get alerts and updates from me before, you’ll need to submit your e-mail again. It doesn’t look my subscriber list carried over from the previous version I had. I’m determined to become more regular in regards to my newsletters… so, now is a good time to add your name to the list!

Second and lastly, I have a few options I’m thinking of adding/changing to this little community, but bigger yet, I’d like to know what YOU, the readers, would like to see! Do you have bookish merch you’d like to plug and sell? Is there a particular author, book, book-to-screen, author, or genre you like featured? Leave a comment below and help me cook up some ideas!

I read/write/blog because I genuinely love doing it, but I love networking with my fellow bookworms the most… so leave a message or note and let me know what you want to see when you come to visit! I’m excited to see what you guys come up with!