Happy Holidays and a Quick Update!

Hello there, bookworms! I hope you’ve all been having a wonderful and blessed holiday season with your loved ones and therefore, a splendid Christmas season! I just wanted to stop in and say hello and give you a quick update.

Things have been hectic. Life seems as if it’s been never-ending, so unfortunately, I haven’t been able to jump on here to do any reviews or post any cover reveals, sales, or releases for you all. With things being so cuckoo, I’ve decided to take a bit of a break this weekend and get out of town for the first time in almost a year. I hope a few days away from the chaos of adulting will bring a bit of a re-boot so I can catch up on sleep, lose myself awhile, and hopefully even write. Aside from work, family, friends, and this blog, I’m very slowly working on a novel, so I hope this little rest makes me more productive.

I didn’t forget about you or this space! I never could! I just need to catch a few z’s and get the holiday comings and goings to settle down and then I’ll be back with plenty of exciting things for my fellow bibliophiles. I think 2019 is going to be a fun year for literature and our little community!

Until next time, happy reading, and if I don’t get back on here before the 31st, have a Happy New Year as well! Stay tuned!