Updates and Giveaways!

Hello and good evening, bibliophiles!! I hope everyone is having a lovely (and book-filled) weekend! It’s Friday evening in my neck of the woods, and since I’m super popular and social, I thought I’d spend a moment to announce some ideas I’m bringing to the blog and also give you all your first chance at a giveaway! Get excited!

In the last few months, this community has grown into something of its own. I am in no way “internet famous” or doing things on a grandiose scale, but some of the opportunities that have come my way have caused me to do some pondering and become stoked about ways I can expand this bookish little blog! These ideas have been festering for awhile, but now I’m ready to actually put a bit of extra time and bring these new creations into this literary world.

1) Reviews: Yes, they’re going to continue. As I stated in a past blog post, if the book or series I’m reading has made the crossover into film or television, I hope to include my perspective, thoughts, and reviews on the screen adaptations as well. With that expansion, there should be some movie trailers, clips, and visuals of the sort coming your way. Just gives the book reviews that much more definition.

2) ARCs: Having this space and a platform on social media has allowed me opportunities to work with up-and-coming authors who are looking for people to read and review their books honestly. These stories are called ARCs (advanced reader copies). As an avid reader, blogger, writer, and reviewer, I can’t tell you how thankful I am every time an author reaches out to me and looks for my input. Yeah, they say opinions are like assholes (pardon my french) and everyone has one. I am well aware that I’m no different from any other blogger/vlogger out there, but I hope I bring some sort of personality and unique voice to the literary world. Not only do I get advanced peaks at new material, but I’m also lucky enough to have a chat here and there with the authors and other reviewers and wind up forming friendships that stretch across states and continents. For a common love of reading, like I said, I’m thankful and can’t wait to include more ARCs in the review process.

3) Book Hauls, Shelfies, and TBRs: I thought this would be a fun little aspect of my universe in the reading process, from the book-buying experience, to my ever-expanding reading piles, what my shelves are looking like these days, more of an idea of the genres I’m obsessing over at the moment, and more. Maybe this is me being straight-up geeky about my books, but I thought it would be fun to delve into.

4) Cover Reveals: This is new even for me. More authors are looking for bloggers to share covers when they are released in order to create hype for pre-order and eventual sales. I’m right there with them and for them. These are authors of all kinds of genres and I admire their stories and work, so I’m happy to help spread the love. Plus, we all adore a gorgeous cover, even if they tell us not to judge our books by them. They’re still pretty to look at, right?

5) Miscellaneous Projects: From entires like My Ultimate Dream Library and A Bookish Rant, I enjoy getting any thoughts and feedback I can about their experiences with books. Whether I’m being contacted to come up with my fantasy shelves or we’re talking about book shaming or what non-readers say to you when you choose books over a social life, I’d love to talk about it!

6) Giveaways: This is exactly how it sounds. I don’t do these too often because I find it hard to get that creative in the giveaway aspect, but I do love giving out bookish treats when I can! Keep your eyes peeled…. because it starts now! Check it out!!


***Hey hey! Happy Friday! Anyone fancy a Christina Lauren ✨GIVEAWAY✨ this is entirely due to my stupidity. I forgot I had pre-ordered #BeautifulBoss via Amazon… And when I went to my local B&N before it was even released, I happened to spot it out on the shelves and grabbed one. Thanks to my silly jackrabbit skills.. You’ll now benefit!! Who can resist a free book?! I know I can’t! Here’s what you have to do, follow me on Instagram, tag a friend, repost, and go like my Facebook page, The Blabbing Bibliophile, for a chance to win! I’ll choose a winner on Monday (4/5/16)… So… Good luck!!***
~Beautiful Boss (#4.5 in the Beautiful Bastard Series by Christina Lauren!
The ninth work in the New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling series that started with Beautiful Bastard. In this e-novella, Will Sumner and Hanna Bergstrom (from Beautiful Player) find that a wedding and everlasting love were just the beginning.

One Player tamed. One nerd girl satisfied. And one more major life decision to make. When Will fell for Hanna, her quirky sense of humor and fierce dedication to her career were part of the attraction. (Not to mention her coy newbie attitude toward sex and her willingness to let him teach her everything.) But when the job offers start rolling in for her—and oh, they do—Hanna has trouble deciding what she wants, where they should live, and how much she should burden Will with the decision. Magic between the sheets is only one part of a relationship…getting on the same page is quite another altogether.