Misadventures of the First Daughter

Hello there, bookworms! I know it’s only Thursday, but for me, it’s my Friday. Tomorrow, I head to the dentist and get my top two wisdom teeth taken out, so, before I’m in bed surrounded by ice packs, a swollen face, and (hopefully) sleeping off the pain, I wanted to bring you all a book review because it’s been awhile.

I apologize for the lack in posts, but work has been..well, it has been, and I’ve been getting a decent amount of reading done. However, I’m at a bit of a crossroads in my life, and I’m super terrified of an uncertain future, but change is coming and I’m really excited to hustle and follow some dreams and begin to do things I love rather than things I need to do to pay bills. It’s time to transition into a new and creative mind-frame, and that includes this space!

Yes, in addition to all the insanity in life lately, the blog is climbing more than it has been on my priority list, and fingers crossed that I have a lot coming in the very near future for you guys.. and that includes some bookish merchandise!

To start, I’m kicking off an official book club in May, so if you haven’t joined yet, and want to be part of a reading group, head to facebook and join The Blabbing Book Club! I’m still working out kinks, but I plan on trying to spread the discussion across social media in case some of you don’t have Facebook, so we’ll see what happens.

Anyway, I’ve blabbed plenty. I guess I have to do it now before my mind gets wonky tomorrow, but time to get to the review. Let’s talk about Misadventures of the First Daughter by Meredith Wild and Mia Michelle.

If you follow this blog or any of my ramblings, you know I’m in the SUPER early stages of writing my own story. You can find my very rough draft of the first 50ish pages on Wattpad here. Anyway, as a political romance, I’ve not only been doing my research where and when I can, but I’m also trying to get inspiration from other published works. Thankfully, I came across Misadventures in my local Barnes & Noble and just had to grab a copy. Although it is book three in a series, every single installment serves as a stand alone read, so I actually jumped right in with zero guilt to enjoy all the scandal in book three.

Charlotte is the only child of the newly-elected president, and Zane is the man sworn to protect her. While she obeys her parents every request, and plays the part of the idyllic child in public, in private, she’s begging and practically screaming for her freedom. She’s desperate to let loose her inhibitions, and her eagle eye focus zeroes in on Zane. There’s just one problem; Zane is off limits.

Not only would his job be in jeopardy if he caved into his attraction to Charlotte, but in turn, she would have to make massive adjustments and tailor herself to his… interests. With the demands of his job, and the high-profile position of his life, Zane can’t afford a messy entanglement, so he pursues his pleasure in other ways. Known pretty well among a secret society in D.C.’s underground sexual society, Zane has a taste and a type. Both of which Charlotte doesn’t fit, until she stumbles into a club he frequents wearing a daring red dress.

Torn between protecting her and getting her out of a potentially scandalous and dangerous situation, or caving to all the desires she stirs in him, Zane pushes Charlotte’s buttons, and the tables are turned.

At first, the first daughter is caught off guard, but once she and Zane discuss the parameters of how their encounters will go, she finally gets everything she wants. Every single one of her Secret Service fantasies (and then some) come true, and for once in her young life, Charlotte finally gets a taste of her much-needed independence.

I loved so much about this tale. It was quick, practically pocket size, and sexy as all get out. From the way the book was presented to me on the shelves in the bookstore to how it fit so well in my bag, and still packed such a sensual punch still has me reeling. The intensity between Zane and Charlotte is palpable right from the start and just can’t be ignored, even though there is plenty of tension. These 280 pages were so enticing and full of high-power drama only American politics and promise!

My Final Rating: five out of five stars

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