Gentlemen, Gigolos & Gelato

Good evening and happy Monday, my bibliophiles! It’s been longer than I thought it would be in posting reviews, but as I believe I mentioned in prior posts, I’ve been a little inundated with requests to review books, and I think I got in just slightly over my head. Instead of reviewing, I’ve been trying to get the books read in a timely manner (and in order of submission) and now I’m starting to hit my deadlines. Be prepared for a few assorted reviews this week. I’m going to try my best to get them to you guys because, who doesn’t love a good book review and need a suggestion from time-to-time? I know I do! Also, work has been kicking my butt as usual, and I think I’m finally succumbing to the illnesses and bugs everyone around me has seemed to carry for months, so we’re going to hope I get it together before I go on vacation in 25ish days. A trip is way overdo!

I suppose I should stop blabbing and get to the actual review, right? This is one of the first submissions I received and it had one of the messages I so desperately needed. Gentlemen, Gigolos & Gelato is the first I’ve read by author Kathrin Murphy, but I’ll be sure to check out more of her work in the future.

Adriana Cassidy is in need of crazy and in need of change. Divorced, in a dull job and with a milestone birthday rapidly approaching, she can’t help but follow the path of the mysterious letter that showed up at her door. When one of her relatives passed away, Adriana was given the option to drastically change her life. Tempted and in need of a fresh start to find the happiness she had so long been seeking, she hops on a plane to Italy.

Leaving her old life behind, Adriana is fortunate enough to discover her true passion, hit the ground running, try to find love in one of the most romantic countries in the world, and build a new life full of endless opportunities.

Blessed with not only one, but two men vying for her affections, and the potential for a profitable business venture nestled in the beautiful hills and valleys of Tuscany, Adriana can’t help but pinch herself on a daily basis. This can’t possibly be her life!

I did feel like this novel jumped around just a little on occasion. Some of the dramatics and the volley between two men caused a bit of whiplash, but still, I enjoyed this story. If anything, I wish that the chapters were a bit longer with more detail so that I got the full, immersive effect with this cast of colorful characters in the beautiful, Italian countryside.

Aside from some of the technicalities I encountered with this book, I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure. I’m only just approaching mid-thirties myself, but Adriana’s predicament with her job, finding love, and yearning for a monumental change really resonated with me. I felt like she was yelling at me from the pages to take notes. I really loved the journey she took me on to find her happiness.. her bliss, and seek out her dreams. I’ll take a little piece of her with me now that I’ve finished the book and try to live more the way she would, fiction or not.

There’s more reviews to come, so stay tuned, and in the meantime… happy reading!

My Final Rating: three out of five stars

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