The Bad Ones

Hey hey hey out there to all of my bookworms and bibliophiles! Today, I bring you a new review! I took this weekend off from reading (well, Saturday and Sunday anyway) because it was just too hectic with life, and also, I watch my bookish shows on the weekend. Saturday is my Outlander night with some fellow Sassenachs of mine, and Sunday I lose my mind over Game of Thrones (which I still have yet to pick up and read as a series… guilty).

Anywhoo, I got this book in the mail last week and I was actually waiting for Monday to arrive so I could get the time to pick up and start reading again. This is one I had seen all over my social media feeds accompanied by freak-outs from fellow reader friends of mine, so obviously I had to give it a go. It’s The Bad Ones by Stylo Fantom. From the cover alone, I was a bit nervous going into the text, but I was also intrigued enough that I couldn’t seem to stay away.

Take Dexter, Bonnie & Clyde, and the murderers from Scream, and you’ve got The Bad Ones. I don’t even know what to say about this story except that I lost sleep so I could finish it before I hit the hay. I couldn’t leave myself in limbo.

Right from the beginning, you know there’s something not quite right with Dulcie or Constantine. She’s in the guidance office of her high school being lectured about her future while he’s conveniently found near the site of a burning car in the student lot. When they bump into each other in the middle of campus, it’s clear that their future would be eternally entwined. I have never read a romance (if you actually want to call it that) quite so dark before. When one thinks of a “dark romance” you think of a couple trying to fight through issues so they can attempt a life of normalcy and happiness together. Not with these two. They’re crazy and content to be so.

If you’ve ever wondered if psychopaths could find love, this book will answer that question. On their own, they’re disturbed at best, but together, they cause nothing but destruction. Although I couldn’t understand them or their ways of thinking, I found myself itching to turn the pages to see what would happen next. They were such a twisted couple, that I couldn’t seem to look away.

They lived by raising hell and dealing with any obstructions to their lives together, and while their actions were so wrong, I couldn’t bring myself to hope that they would get caught. I wanted to see what they could and couldn’t get away with, and I was not disappointed!

Maybe I need help if that’s what I thought of these two. I shouldn’t be cheering for the bad guys, but, sadly, I did, and I’m not sorry…

My Final Rating: five out of five stars