Playing For Keeps
Snowed In
Hello my bookworms! I hope you’re all well and getting lots of reading done (as usual). As for myself, I’ve been trying to find more hours in the day. I have a few ARCs sitting on my Kindle I’m trying to enjoy, there’s working the day job, bringing you guys blog posts, and participating in…
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Good evening, bookworms! Happy hump day and I apologize for the delay in posting. If you follow me on social media (theblabbingbibliophile), you’ll have gotten the announcement regarding the lack of post. I’m prone to getting pretty severe headaches about twice a week (on average. Sometimes more, sometimes less), and yesterday I was hit pretty…
Quick Update!
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed tonight’s review! Now, as promised, some updates! I was going to include these in the introduction of my last post, but it started to take up too much time and space, so, here we are! Recently, I took up a second weekly blog post again and I’ve had just…